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Fix: Windows Store won't open/not opening (Windows 10)

Hi friends, this is from true teach bd.

Many times it occurs that window store is just loading but not opening.
Most usually it occurs if you add features on windows features.

Let's get into the work
However, lets get  into the work.

Try to reset the store.

First solution:

1. Press windows logo key+R
2. The run window will open. Type there: wsreset.exe
3. A blank window will open wait until the store open.
4. Close it and restart.

Second & simple solution:

1. Search for store on search bar.
2. On right you'll see some options. Click on App Settings.
3. On settings scroll down, find & click on the reset button.
4. After reset. Then Restart.

Your problem must solve down.

Bye for now......

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